[Peace-discuss] They could end the war, but they won't

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Mon Jan 8 13:38:43 CST 2007

I think it's clear to most Americans whom the Congressional Democrats 
are working for, and it's not most Americans.  The result is that the 
Democratic party is well to the right of the populace, but they have to 
pretend strenuously that they aren't.

They betrayed the American people (this time) by being given control of 
Congress by a vote against the war, and then working frantically to 
secure the war's aim (US hegemony in the Middle east) by leaving the 
troops in place ("supporting the troops") and calling for the war's goal 
to be achieved more efficiently.  Their principal task is to neutralize 
the demand for withdrawal (illustrated by the vote for withdrawal in 
Champaign County).

Sheehan et al. pointed out clearly that what Americans voted for in 2006 
-- "de-escalate, investigate, troops home now" -- was directly opposed 
to what the Democrats were working for.  Note Pelosi's pledges that 
impeachment was "off the table" and that no funds would be cut for 
troops in Iraq.

The Democratic position was obvious from the campaign, when Rahm Emanuel 
as an agent of the Democratic party replaced the antiwar candidate in 
the Illinois 6th Congressional District with a pro-war candidate backed 
by much corporate cash, and did similar things elsewhere.  --CGE

Chas. 'Mark' Bee wrote:
 > ----- Original Message ----- From: "C. G. Estabrook" <galliher at uiuc.edu>
 > To: "Peace Discuss" <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net>
 > Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2007 9:40 PM
 > Subject: [Peace-discuss] They could end the war, but they won't
 >> [Here's how the Democrats, in control of both houses of Congress, 
could end the war even though they lack a veto-proof majority. But since 
they are well to the right of the US populace and in thrall to the elite 
interests that dictate the "bipartisan" US foreign policy -- notably the 
insistence on control of Mideast energy resources -- they will do 
nothing that will substantially interfere with the war, however much 
they carp at Bush et al. --CGE]
 > rofl  First, lobbying reform is 'betraying the American people', but 
then they're 'in thrall to elite interests'.
 >  See how this works, folks?  ;)
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