[Peace-discuss] War with Iran

Morton K. Brussel brussel4 at insightbb.com
Tue Jan 9 23:19:06 CST 2007

Carl, the only thing wrong with your introductory sentence is that  
you persist in identifying the "left", of which you are a part! (I  
think), with the Democratic party leadership and its followers. Are  
not UFPJ voices on the left? They have expressed strong condemnation  
of war plans for Iran, etc.… In your eagerness to  show up and  
disparage the supineness and cowardliness of much of the  "liberals/ 
Democrats", you overstep, I believe; there are multitudes on the  
"left" (read ZNet) who offer compelling critiques of American  
imperialism.  We don't have to rely on Buchanan, even if we welcome  
some of his analysis. --Mort

On Jan 9, 2007, at 8:01 PM, C. G. Estabrook wrote:

> [Here's an attack on the the administration's plans for Iran from  
> the right of the American political spectrum -- not unfortunately  
> from the left, where leading Democrats second the administration's  
> position that "a nuclear Iran is unacceptable." --CGE]

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