[Peace-discuss] Stephen to Richard

David Green davegreen84 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 10 09:18:53 CST 2007

>From Prof. Stephen Kauffman:


Your Massmail was forwarded to me and I would like to thank you for
your prompt response.  Those are  fine words and sentiments, but as
Chief Joseph said, "Good words do not last long until they amount to
something." I hope your letter is the beginning of your leadership to
bring an end to the mascot issue.

You are well aware that you cannot  "...build a campus climate with
zero tolerance for racism and hate..." until Illiniwek  and all
American Indian imagery have been removed, and, until it its made
absolutely clear to all that there is no place for using American
Indians and their heritage in the university's sports program.  All
past forums and diversity committees have told you that.

You stated, "As Chancellor, I can not and will not tolerate such
violent threats," yet you tolerate and celebrate the mascot and in
doing so perpetuate the underlying cause of such threats.  In your
letter you showed an understanding that, "...far less extreme actions
and words can traumatize and frighten those targeted, as well,"  Well,
that is precisely what Illiniwek  and Fighting Illini do.  And that is
precisely what the logo and CHIEF shirts do.

What are you going to do to end this obscenity?  I believe the answer
lies not in another forum, but with what you and Joe White will do to
move the Board to end this nightmare.  You can squander the
opportunity presented by this unfortunate incident or you can use it
"to amount to something."

Is this forum to be yet another charade? How can it be otherwise when
every every high level administrator has been silenced from speaking
out on the mascot issue and the answer lies not with the Campus
Community but with the Trustees.  Moreover, it is unconscionable for
you to "invite" students and faculty to continue to put their hearts
and souls on the line, if you are not willing to do so yourself.

It is not too late to put Illiniwek on the agenda of the next Board
meeting and make new, clear policy.  Then you can have a forum with
substance and integrity; then you can start to build the campus you
speak of.



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