[Peace-discuss] Rep. Johnson comes out against the surge

Robert Naiman naiman.uiuc at gmail.com
Thu Jan 11 19:20:30 CST 2007

This is big news. If it's not on the front page of the News-Gazette
tomorrow, I'm calling to complain.


For Immediate Release
        Contact: Jerry Clarke
        Phone: (202) 225-2371
        January 11, 2007

Congressman Johnson Responds to the New Plan for Iraq

Washington, D.C.- I do not support a build up of 21,500 American
troops in Iraq because in my view, it is not in the best interest of
our country to contribute additional troops to this war.  As part of
the War on Terror, America has paid an enormous price over the past
four years in an effort to keep our country and citizens safe.  The
sacrifice our country has made must be met by an even stronger
commitment and action by Iraq's leaders to face the challenges of a
fledgling democracy and ensure the safety and freedom of its own
people.  The primary goal is to bring our troops home as quickly and
safely as possible and continue to provide our brave servicemen and
women currently serving in Iraq with the resources they need.
Our efforts have not been without success; we have toppled a brutal,
genocidal dictator and made significant strides in facing terror
around the globe.  However, the escalation of involvement, given the
military and political divisions of opinion at home and the seemingly
endless sectarian strife inside Iraq is not the best direction for

The people of America, and most importantly the 15th District, made
their collective voices heard November 7th.  It behooves responsive
and responsible public officials to listen to their message.

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