[Peace-discuss] Bush slipping in polls; govt in real trouble

n.dahlheim at mchsi.com n.dahlheim at mchsi.com
Thu Jan 11 21:52:33 CST 2007

New polling data circulating through nearly all channels of the Internet now seem to indicate that nearly 
3/4 of the public opposes Bush and his suicidal Iraq policy.  The surge policy, as argued by everyone from 
the military to the Baker Study Group, will only incite ever increasing levels of violence.  Against the 
backdrop of global warming, whose onset now appears more likely to occurr in the context of "sudden 
climate change", the draining of precious resources and TIME is really threatening the stability of the 
planet's human communities and natural ecosystems.  Something has got to be done to rethink the way 
modern Western civilization approaches energy consumption and resource allocation.  Our own greed and 
consumerism, the hidden national disease, birth monsters like those populating our proto-fascist Bush 
Administration.  Worrying about what these politicians have to say won't do anything....  If Dems won't 
consider impeachment or an honest investigation even to 9/11, well they aren't worth much.

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