[Peace-discuss] Protest this Saturday!

Shara Esbenshade esbenshd at uni.uiuc.edu
Sun Jan 21 20:32:28 CST 2007

There will be a protest at One Main in Champaign (just like the monthly
AWARE protests) THIS Saturday, January 27th from 2-4. January 27th is a
day of national action. There will be a huge march on Washington that day,
organized by United for Peace and Justice. We would like to have a local
event to parallel it because I know there are many many people here who
would like to go to Washington but cannot. Please come and please, please
forward this email widely! If you know any other groups who would be
interested in attending the protest please pass this on to them. The more
people we have, the more noticed we are and we hope to get attention from
the press. Thanks and see you there!
Shara Esbenshade & Cody Bralts

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