[Peace-discuss] Final Response re: Johnson

Stuart Levy slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Thu Jul 5 14:03:40 CDT 2007

On Thu, Jul 05, 2007 at 06:32:56PM +0000, Robert Dunn wrote:
>    i must defend Carl again!
>    I have an idea for AWARE and other anti-war folks that want to be
>    independent of the Democratic Party. Why not have a demonstration
>    outside of the local Democratic HQs? Call them out on their sellout of
>    the people who elected them to end the war.
>    Any thoughts?

This doesn't appeal to me, for the same reason that I don't generally
carry party-specific signs at the One Main protests.  I'm a lot more
interested in the issues (and impressing the public with them)
than in the political parties that fail to pursue those issues.

I'd be happier to say "the American people oppose this war and *neither*
major party is helping bring it to a close" than specifically picketing
the Dems.  Republicans are absolutely responsible for tricking the
country into this war, and for doing what they can (a lot) to suppress
the discussion on how that happened.   And for promoting torture as a
part of our national life, perhaps regrettable but necessary to keep the
everpresent American-freedom-hating terrorists at bay.  But as part of
public communication, I personally don't think that parti-san protests
are the most effective way to press the issues we care about.

So I wouldn't do that.

>    Robert Dunn

   Stuart Levy

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