[Peace-discuss] Debate

Marti tvchick at insightbb.com
Fri Jul 6 21:17:34 CDT 2007

Even within the protestant church there are denominations that lean towards
the right and others that lean towards the left. I will say the topic of
values is relevant in that there really is no such thing as a value-neutral
approach to politics. 

Faith is not something to be confused with blind obedience and the very
strong and passionate opinions that have been expressed here manage to
illustrate that well. My own inclination is to favor elements of balance
because swinging too far to the left or right is not a good thing. 

I have reasons for not supporting the war in Iraq - and I am aware that
there are individuals and groups who will not agree with me. The challenge
in engaging in dialogue on these issues is the tendency for both sides of a
debate to exhibit intolerance. While I may support the views of Gloria
Steinman I would not support having protesters arrested for engaging in
peaceable demonstration. 

Any debate or argument can degenerate into a food fight and that takes away
from the value of engaging in such a dialogue. Call me old fashioned but
common courtesy should not be optional in a debate scenario and using
terminology such as left or right to describe another persons perspective
can be harmful to what ideally can be a democratic exchange of ideas.

-----Original Message-----
From: peace-discuss-bounces at lists.chambana.net
[mailto:peace-discuss-bounces at lists.chambana.net] On Behalf Of Karen Medina
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 1:55 PM
To: peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net
Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] Debate

Bob I wrote:
>A number of us are against the Iraq occupation for religious,
>not political, reasons.

(sarcastically) I thought we were all atheist commies.

More seriously, I think it might be better stated that anti-war convictions
also influence some members' religious affiliation decisions.

-karen medina
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