[Peace-discuss] Crimes

illyes at uiuc.edu illyes at uiuc.edu
Fri Jul 6 23:58:28 CDT 2007

Well, of course or invasion of Iraq is a crime, Carl. It is a crime that would deserve the death sentence for many of the neocons if I believed in the death sentence, which I don't. But I would lock them up and throw away the key.

The Athenian and Roman experiments with democracy were very early, and had well-know flaws. Aristotle had to leave town in a hurry on account of them. The Roman experiments were relatively minor, with the people having very little real power, and the Senate heriditary. Aristotle's idea of polity had a lot of merit, although classical liberal theory is much better developed. Marx had his heart in the right place, but went for radical (relatively pure) democracy, which was the same thing that chased Aristotle out of town. Marxists speak against liberalism, because they think it delays the inevitable revolution. They need to read Aristotle a little more closely.


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