[Peace-discuss] Consensus

Bob Illyes illyes at uiuc.edu
Tue Jul 10 11:46:13 CDT 2007

For those of you who were not at last AWARE meeting, we discussed
that Carl had violated the standing AWARE policy regarding using
our name as an endorsement unless we had consensus. I thought that
was the end of the matter. But as you can see, it is not.

As for what Carl calls "so silly and made up of such fantastic
charges that I don't think it's possible to answer -- or worth
the time to do so," the record shows otherwise. Going through
my points (you'll need to read my prior post to know what they

1) Mort and Carl had long argument at a recent AWARE meeting
regarding Carl's stated contempt for Democrats and liberals,
and Carl's claim that Democrats are more responsible than
Republicans for our actions in Iraq. The parties are
equally culpable in Congress. The Republicans are completely
culpable in the administration. That is what the record shows.

2) Carl's "no good presidents" position was taken at a party in
the home of George and Bettina Francis, who were a part of the

3) Carl's notion that a conspiracy of international capital drives
modern history is all over his writings and what he says. I
don't recall ever hearing him speak well of either Israel or
of America.

4) Carl and I have repeatedly differed on the desirability of
conflict in promoting peace, both on this list and at meetings.

The reader can fill in the rest of the blanks. I see no point in
continuing a discussion in which facts are treated as irrelevant.
I have quit this subject unless there is another violation of
AWARE's rules.


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