[Peace-discuss] Money

Jenifer Cartwright jencart7 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 17 15:23:11 CDT 2007

By "capital " I meant anything contributing to wealth of individuals or groups -- land, goods, slaves, etc... things that pre-dated money. Also land, goods, stock, bonds, etc ... things that post-date money as well. I do agree that it seems to be the nature of too many humans to want wealth beyond their own needs... and power to maintain the wealth. I don't think this is a controversial issue...
  I like some of what other/non-viable candidates say -- Edwards, Dodds (and of course Gravel and Kucinich), but I don't think they'll nail the top spot on ticket. It'll be Hillary or Obama, and please God, don't make me vote for Hillary. 
  Bob Illyes <illyes at uiuc.edu> wrote:
  War was around before money was invented in Lydia about 2600 years
ago, Jenifer. I think we must look not to money or to capitalism
but rather to human nature for an explanation. No one knows, for
example, what was behind the Greek dark ages that started about
1250 BC. I would guess that it was the introduction of new weapons
technology in the form of iron weapons to a species that wasn't
really up to handling it responsibly. It was definitely not
money or capitalism

Incidentally, I support Edwards, not Obama. Edwards is running
partly on the economic issues that used to define the Democrats,
but have largely disappeared in our glorious new Gilded Age.


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