[CPRB] RE: [Peace-discuss] CPRB

Chas. 'Mark' Bee c-bee1 at itg.uiuc.edu
Thu Jul 19 14:44:24 CDT 2007

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Robert Dunn 
  To: epatt at uiuc.edu ; jbw292002 at gmail.com ; peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net ; cprb at lists.chambana.net ; caevans2 at hotmail.com 
  Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 2:21 PM
  Subject: Re: [CPRB] RE: [Peace-discuss] CPRB

  i have read it, and spoke with Iowa Cities chief of police. I was wrong. I admit that. Yes, i was involved with the Green Party. I have since changed. I am now a Republican, and even many local Repubs are challenging me on some of my views. I did an internship with Arnold Schwarzeneggers reelection campaign, i also helped an organization of socially progressive Republicans. These are mainly young republicans who are alienated from the far right. They are pro-choice, pro-equal rights, they are conservative on mainly economic issues. They want to bring the GOP back to what it used to be before the "theocrats" and "neocons" took it over. 

  Right now, i am going through a lot of personal stuff. No, i am not anti-"progressive", but sometimes you have to admit that sometimes, the Left can and is wrong!

  This whole antagonism between me and everyone on this list started when Paul Mueth noticed that i was marching with the YRs, which i was invited to do! He gave me this smirk, and the next day, im flooded with emails about a blog that i sent. The blog was responding to all of the letters complaining about AWARE and the Left. All i said was that if people think that they are not being represented well and that their voice was not heard, they should get organized. Hmm, that is really threatening to some people apparently!

  I will admit i was wrong, however my main concern that i will address to the council is that there is NO law enforcement perspective on this CPRB and the concern is more about convicted felons representation. 

  I mean no one ill will, but i want people to know that i have gone door to door in my ward, Ward 5, and asked if they know whats going on in Council, many do not know who their Alderman is or what is being voted on or not! When stuff like this is being voted on, just getting opinion from on section of Urbana is not good. Im sorry that the Northend has such negative views of our police, but that is just one section!

  btw, kudos to Sascha for bringing wireless to downtown! I would have supported this, even as a Republican.

  That is the problem as well with having partisan elections for local races. People just look for the R or D or even G after their name, and make up their minds before giving the person a chance to share his/her ideas! I would like for the City Council to go to nonpartisan elections which the majority of Cities including Champaign go by. This is one area where Urbana is behind everyone else. 
  Would you support nonpartisan elections? That is one of my issues where i hope we can have agreement!

  So, i do not hate the UCIMC at all. I just wish that it would truly be independent and accept a broader range of views, not just liberal to far-left! Thats all! Chris, and Bob Illyes have informed me that right-of-center views are welcome there. Well, ill give it a chance. However, if this censorship that i am reading about happens to me, as it happened to Carl in the Public I. I will walk and make noise about it!


    If you're going to go about spewing the utterly ridiculous lies and hate I've seen from you so far, you should probably just get to the walking and making noise part.  Going to local organizations, then damning them for not meekly enabling behavior on your part that would get you keelhauled in less civilized climes, isn't exactly rational behavior, despite its popularity in these parts.
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