[Peace-discuss] Durbin interview

n.dahlheim at mchsi.com n.dahlheim at mchsi.com
Thu Jul 19 15:48:20 CDT 2007

    I couldn't agree more with you.  I suspect that Durbin and other "liberal" Democratic senators are 
merely posturing to attract the sympathies of anti-war Americans.  Unfortunately, the moneyed 
interests in corporate America will put a stop to ending the war.  Trillions of dollars worth of oil and 
hundreds of billions in defense budget outlays are simply too lucrative to foreswear.  I don't think the 
oil industry or the military-industrial complex will allow for true anti-war voices to exert much 
influence in Congress.  For this reason, I return to my argument from the beginning.  Structurally, our 
import-substitution economy and its heavy reliance on fossil fuels and minerals that multinational 
conglomerates and the Pentagon extract from distant places around the globe represent the real 
threats to peace.  Localizing our politics and de-centralizing economic control through the building of 
alternative local economies is the only way I see change coming.  Washington is soaked with corporate 
blood money.  Perhaps people feel important by thinking they can sway Washington, but reality must 
govern here and a return to vibrant local economies must be the beacon that guides a true peace 

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