[Peace-discuss] Mort's flyer

John W. jbw292002 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 27 13:53:01 CDT 2007

At 10:44 AM 7/27/2007, Bob Illyes wrote:

>Mort's flyer is extremely good. As it stands, I would prefer to offer it 
>in the AWARE name rather than just as the product of members of AWARE. It 
>is as good as the work that Al and Susan used to do for us. Like Susan's 
>letter, it sticks to the facts and avoids ideology and theories. The facts 
>are damning.

Who is the intended audience?  And how soon are you intending to distribute 
these flyers?

If I were to suggest that the text is way too long and too dense for the 
average reader (I'll refrain from saying "Joe Six Pack"), with a vocabulary 
that is far too erudite and grammatical constructions that are difficult to 
follow, would I be hated?  Would I be expected to rewrite the flyer?

John Wason

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