[Peace-discuss] Re: IMC reporter kicked out of CPD briefing

Jenifer Cartwright jencart7 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 12 15:55:48 CDT 2007

Thanks for this, Karen. This IS related to who is a journalist, if person or persons unknown were acting as video journalists and taping/monitoring the procedings. I wonder what the response would have been if someone had asked off-handedly whom they represented... 

Karen Medina <kmedina at uiuc.edu> wrote:
  Peace Discuss,

This is not really related to the discussion of who is a journalist, but it reminded me of another issue. 

The same officer that approached Brian Donilar was also at the Champaign School Board meeting several months ago. There were at least 2 armed officers at the door and another armed officer sitting in the room. The topic of that evening concerned a proposal to start a charter school. Most of the audience was African American. I don't think the police were there to control the school board members.

The school board meeting was being videotaped, and there were several people who were obviously monitoring the videotaping and not interested in the meeting itself (ie I think they were being paid to do the videotaping). But for some odd reason the videotaping machine failed to produce a video that evening. 

-karen medina
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