[Peace-discuss] Re: IMC reporter kicked out of CPD briefing

Jenifer Cartwright jencart7 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 12 16:46:06 CDT 2007

Thanks for the background info, Wendy. I noticed that Brian wrote, "kicked out of" instead of "denied access to" which is why I ended my first email on the subject by saying that police officers are innocent until proven guilty...
  While it may be in fact be a question of professional behavior in Brian's case -- I'm in no position to say -- that's an excuse that could be used to deny access to anyone who might ask uncomfortable questions.
  Since we all -- including Finney -- agree that alternative publications should have access, how do we ensure that this happens in the future?
Wendy Edwards <wedwards at uiuc.edu> wrote:
  Actually, I don't think that it would be right for Finney to deny
press credentials because a newpaper or blog expressed opinions
that were different than his. So by that token, I believe that 
reporters from Public i and the OBO should be admitted to press

However, I do believe that Finney and other public officials have
the right to insist on professional behavior from all reporters at
a press conference, regardless of affiliation. I talked briefly with
Finney about the situation, and he confirmed that this had been the
issue with Brian. It sounded like Finney would have been willing to
admit citizen journalists and bloggers as long as there was no history
of inappropriate behavior.


On Tue, Jun 12, 2007 at 12:45:55AM +0000, Robert Dunn wrote:

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