[Peace-discuss] What Would Molly Do?

Common Dreams commondreams at mail.democracyinaction.org
Thu Jun 21 16:58:30 CDT 2007

June 21, 2007

Dear Friend of Common Dreams,

Early this year, the progressive community lost one of its most passionate, colorful, and relentless voices.

Molly Ivins, whose columns appeared regularly on CommonDreams.org, spoke out loudly and often for peace and democracy. 

Above all, Molly preached the politics of hope. 

Molly's unique and inspirational voice has gone silent. But we - you and I - can and must keep her message and her spirit alive.

Will you help?

We must raise $75,000 to meet our summer goal. So far, we're only about a third of the way there.

If you've already contributed, thank you! 

If not, can you make a donation now - large or small - so that we can continue to bring you the news and views that really matter? The news and views you won't get from the likes of FOX, CNN and the rest of today's bottom line-driven media? 

I'm sure you shared our optimism last November when the American people signaled their dismay with the current state of national and world affairs - and especially, with the disaster in Iraq. 

And yet, here we are . . . no closer to ending this illegal occupation.

Just weeks before she died, Molly mustered the strength to plead with us all to act. She told us to step outside and take some action - just like the people we told you about last week, in Arrowsic, Maine, who overwhelmingly approved a resolution asking President Bush and Congress to immediately end the American occupation in Iraq.

Molly reminded us that it's up to us. She told us to raise hell. "We need people in the streets, banging pots and pans and demanding, 'Stop it, now!,' she wrote. 

Do we even have to wonder, what would Molly do?

This fierce defender of democracy, who once described herself as "ever optimistic to the point of lunacy" never gave up.

And neither should we.

CommonDreams.org is committed to bringing you news and opinions free of the influence of corporate advertising or sponsors. We rely 100% on you, our readers, to keep us going.

But it's an uphill battle. And we just can't do it without your help.

We can't replace Molly's big, booming Texas voice.

But with your help, we can carry on her mission by bringing you the voices of the many other journalists and activists who share her passion for peace, as well as her conviction that we can all make a difference. 

Please take a minute to think about how much reading CommonDreams.org is worth to you, and contribute what you can. We value every donation - large and small.

You can make your secure, tax-deductible online donation right now here - http://www.commondreams.org/econtribute0607.htm . Or, you can print our donation form and mail it back to us with a check here - http://www.commondreams.org/printmail0607.htm .

Thanks so much. We can't do it without you!

With thanks and hope,

Katherine Paul 
for the CommonDreams.org team 

Our readers are our only source of funding. We need more of you to pitch in. Thanks!

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