[Peace-discuss] Plutocracy

Bob Illyes illyes at uiuc.edu
Wed Mar 28 14:35:55 CDT 2007

I'm a little confused as to which posting came before which,
what with the clock problem. This is a reply to Nick's
"Enlightened cynicism".

The wealthy have always had a disproportionate amount of power
over the country, but at times it becomes preposterous, with
the ultra-wealthy owning so much of the government that they
may disregard the people with impunity.

The first time this happened was the Gilded Age. The second time
is now. It took decades to clean up many of the excesses of the
Gilded Age. The core reforms that did it were elected Senators
and income tax. I'm sure labor unions were in the mix as well.

We can fix this mess again, but it won't be easy or quick.


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