[Peace-discuss] Re: Flyer for monthly anti-war demonstration

Stuart Levy slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Fri Aug 1 12:24:46 CDT 2008

On Fri, Aug 01, 2008 at 11:40:44AM -0500, C. G. Estabrook wrote:
> Unless someone else has something planned, I will get 300 copies of 
> Marjorie Cohn's Common Dreams piece 
> <www.commondreams.org/archive/2008/07/29/10670/> -- against the occupation 
> of Iraq and Afghanistan and the threat of war against Iran -- for 
> tomorrow's demonstration.  --CGE

That is a nice piece -- covers a lot of the issues AWARE cares about, and briefly
enough that people might read it.  For example

    [...] We might heed Canada’s warning that a broader mission, under
    the auspices of the United Nations instead of NATO, would be more
    effective. Our policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan should emphasize
    economic assistance for reconstruction, development and education, not
    for more weapons. The United States must refrain from further Predator
    missile strikes in Pakistan, and pursue diplomacy, not occupation.

    Nor should we be threatening war against Iran, which would also be
    illegal and result in an unmitigated disaster.  The U.N. Charter
    forbids any country to use, or threaten to use, military force
    against another country except in self-defense or when the Security
    Council has given its blessing.

    In spite of the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency’s conclusion
    that there is no evidence Iran is developing nuclear weapons, the
    White House, Congress, and Israel have continued to rattle the sabers
    in Iran’s direction. Nevertheless, the antiwar movement has so far
    fended off passage of HR 362 in the House of Representatives, a bill
    which is tantamount to a call for a naval blockade against Iran [...]

I'd be happy to help out flyers with this article (+ AWARE reference) on them.

> Stuart Levy wrote:
>>> This Saturday is AWARE's monthly peace demonstration:
>>>    Saturday, August 2nd
>>>    2:00-4:00pm
>>>    Main & Neil, downtown Champaign
>>> Bring a sign, hold one of ours, or just come and stand with us,
>>> and help call for peace.
>>> It will be *hot*: in the 90s, humid, and sunny.
>>> Wear a hat, and bring water if you can!
>>> [replies set to me by default, since this is going to several mailing 
>>> lists]

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