[Peace-discuss]Apparently, a different S Ossetian irony

Paul Mueth paulmueth at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 11 11:55:11 CDT 2008

--- "C. G. Estabrook" <galliher at uiuc.edu> wrote:

> "Ossetia was independent of Georgia but was absorbed
> into the Russian empire 
> with Georgia, in 1801, and when the Soviet republic
> of Georgia was formed, 
> following the revolution of 1917, the southern part
> of Ossetia became part of 
> it. 

so cheney defends territorial changes defined by the
Russian Revolution, not Stalin's policies

clearly it's contemporary hegemony that is at stake. .

was anyone in Bush gang apprised in advance of the
attack, .. ?

I've heard and have not been able to confirm that
georgia is the only state in the world to have both US
and Russian forces posted there.

US for "training", Russia for "peacekeeping"

 joint military exercises between US and Georgian
units  were just recently  conducted.
 Someone might suggest that this was training for the
Georgian move into S Ossetia that ignited the blood
letting, and the impasse

It's actually rather frightening .. 

cheers,  malgre tout

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