[Peace-discuss] let's host a screening of Michael Klare documentary "Blood and Oil"...

Robert Naiman naiman.uiuc at gmail.com
Wed Aug 13 10:37:26 CDT 2008

The Media Education Foundation folks contacted me about their
documentary "Blood and Oil," based on Michael Klare's book of the same
name, about how the objective of controlling the Middle East's oil
reserves has driven U.S. foreign policy since 1945.

They are distributing it Greenwald-style - encouraging people to host


(We collaborated with them in promoting "War Made Easy," a
documentary they made based on Norman Solomon's book.)

I watched the film last night and it is very powerful. (They sent me a
review copy.)

One particular sequence I thought was quite compelling was when it described
how in the runup to the first Gulf War the first Bush
Administration explained the situation explicitly in terms of control
of oil. But polling showed that the U.S. public didn't accept that as
a legitimate reason to go to war. So they had to switch to WMD,
democracy, etc.

The film also points out how drilling in ANWR and offshore isn't going
to do squat, a timely topic....

Let's host a screening...

Robert Naiman
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

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