[Peace-discuss] Olympic demonstrations

Karen Medina kmedina at illinois.edu
Thu Aug 21 11:11:41 CDT 2008

Brian Dolinar wrote:
> >   The better parallel is the pressure the Dali Lama
>   and marchers put on the Chinese govt
>   leading up to the 2008 Olympics, the protests across
>   the world at torch passings,

I disagree with how these demonstrations were done as well. If I were to protest China's treatment of Tibet, I would not have obstructed the torch runners because they were attacking the wrong people. 

The Dali Lama himself was not part of obstructing the torch runners. Why didn't the "supporters" take his lead?

A better tactic would have been to organize runners to run along with the olympic torch runners, symbolizing that human dignity and human strength are tied together. 

-karen medina

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