[Peace-discuss] IVAW demonstration at the DNC

Karen Medina kmedina at illinois.edu
Thu Aug 21 20:47:28 CDT 2008

[now this is an appropriate demonstration -kem]

At the DNC, Iraq Veterans Against the War will demonstrate to Democratic Party 
delegates what an occupation feels like, by staging multiple Operation First 
Casualty (OFC) actions across the city.  These actions use provocative street 
theater to illustrate for the public the realities of being an occupying force in Iraq.  
Members will dress in full uniform and mime carrying invisible weapons as they 
hand-cuff, hood, and verbally abuse civilian volunteers on the streets of Denver.

They will be expressing their outrage that the Democrats continue to fund the 
ongoing illegal occupation of Iraq.  In 2006, Americans elected Democrats to 
Congress to end the war, but two years later, we are no closer to a withdrawal.

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