[Peace-discuss] Biden = business as usual...

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Mon Aug 25 08:45:39 CDT 2008

"We can demand all the changes we want, but we won't get them in this election, 
or, given our electoral system, any that I can foresee."

Exactly -- that's the central point, and it contradicts those in the antiwar 
movement who have had their energy diverted into Obama's campaign from the 

We should be finding ways to work against the war, whoever is president.  --CGE

Morton K. Brussel wrote:
> One does not argue for an Obama presidency, one argues against a McCain 
> presidency. 
> We can demand all the changes we want, but we won't get them in this 
> election, or, given our electoral system,  any that I can foresee . As 
> for me, Obama is clearly a better choice than McCain, and whomever makes 
> it easier for McCain to win is playing with even greater calamity than 
> now exists. If you see no significant differences between the two, ---on 
> choice, judicial nominations, the environment, separation of church and 
> state---I can only say that you are dismally mistaken. 
> Voting in Illinois will allow you to vote your conscience, a happy 
> circumstance. Voting in Florida or Ohio to assuage a highfalutin 
> conscience by voting for a candidate that can't win, is, with the 
> present choices,  inane, and may have tragic consequences.
> --mkb

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