[Peace-discuss] Biden = business as usual...

Jenifer Cartwright jencart13 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 25 18:15:39 CDT 2008

I think you are overstating the negatives, but I'll let that pass. The Supreme Court nominees alone make it imperative that we NOT have a McCain presidency. To the extent you and others are willing to risk that happening, you can cast yr votes absentee ballot from yr ivory towers, for all I care... and -- so long as it does NOT risk McCain's winning the election, I do think it sends a message to the Demos that there ARE committed progressives who are paying attention. 

--- On Mon, 8/25/08, n.dahlheim at mchsi.com <n.dahlheim at mchsi.com> wrote:

From: n.dahlheim at mchsi.com <n.dahlheim at mchsi.com>
Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] Biden = business as usual...
To: "Neil Parthun" <lennybrucefan at gmail.com>
Cc: Peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net
Date: Monday, August 25, 2008, 12:19 PM

    I think your analysis hits the mark completely.  Talk to you later.


----------------------  Original Message:  ---------------------
From:    Neil Parthun <lennybrucefan at gmail.com>
To:      C.G.Estabrook <galliher at uiuc.edu>
Cc:      Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at anti-war.net>
Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] Biden = business as usual... 
Date:    Mon, 25 Aug 2008 01:07:39 +0000

> With the talk about Biden, here's my opinion about Obama:
> I would appreciate it if someone could explain to me the morality of  
> voting for Obama simply because we will have a 'haunting by the  
> specter of McCain'.
> We here in Illinois have the knowledge that we can vote our  
> conscience for any candidate because it is certain that Illinois will  
> go to the Democratic Party.  Looking nationally, only four states are  
> in play -- New Mexico, Ohio, Florida and Colorado and if we want to  
> quibble, then let's add a fifth: Virginia.  One could very  
> realistically state that it will be these states that will tip the  
> election to either one of the imperialists.  So, our prattling seems  
> to be much adieu about nothing.  But alas...
> How can we as progressives argue for an Obama presidency?  Let's run  
> down the stats:
> -Obama is for continued military presence in Iraq, despite Iraqi  
> governmental forces asking us to GTFO.
> -Obama is for continued and increased military presence in  
> Afghanistan, despite the masses in Afghanistan demanding us to GTFO.
> -Obama is for expanding our bombing to Pakistan in our trek to kill  
> killers to prove that killing people is wrong.
> -Obama is for the for-profit health care system that has left 40+  
> million people without access to adequate health care.
> -Obama is not for equal rights and equal opportunities for LGBTQA  
> people, denying them equality of marriage.  He even is washing his  
> hands of pushing for federal protections by saying that it is an  
> issue for individual states to handle.
> -Obama sold out civil liberties and privacy rights with his FISA vote
> -Obama is condoning the 'haterade' towards Russia
> -Obama is condoning the first strike missile systems in Poland and  
> the Czech Republic
> -Obama speaks for the common man yet has a mansion and makes hundreds  
> of thousands of dollars a year
> ...and I'd just be getting started.
> McCain and Obama are nominally different. Both are ultimately  
> beholden to corporate interests and beholden to the policies that  
> will benefit the elite.  How can any self-described progressive vote  
> for such a thing?  We're not voting for the lesser of two evils.  
> We're voting for the evil of lessers.  This seems to be the act every 

> four years.  Instead of demanding the fundamental changes that we  
> want, we end up sacrificing that in the name of pragmatism and  
> fearmongering that a Republican administration would lead us down the  
> path of destruction.  What we get is more of the same that we've  
> had.  Plus, the last time I checked, we have three branches of  
> government.  The Democrats gave the authorization of force for the  
> war, eviscerated civil liberties, continued funding both imperial  
> ventures and are continuing the cadence for impending war with Iran  
> and Russia. But it is much easier and more intellectually dishonest  
> to put this all at the doorstep of the Big Bad Evil Republicans.
> McCain and Obama would bring us policies that would benefit the rich,  
> squash gay rights, eviscerate civil liberties and increase war.   
> Obama may be "change" but the only thing that will change is the
> and appearance of the person implementing the policies for the US  
> Empire.
> Its not the act of seeing with our own eyes alone; its correctly  
> comprehending what we see,
>       Neil
>   We absolutely have to refuse to attribute any kind of permanency to  
> that which is simply because it is.
> [angela v. davis, 1944-]
> Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could.  
> Some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as  
> you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with  
> too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
[ralph waldo emerson, 1803-1882]>
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