[Peace-discuss] Alex Cockburn on VPs

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Sun Aug 31 09:12:43 CDT 2008

rlangenh at illinois.edu wrote:
> I take it that you are endorsing the 6,000 year old earth and the philosophy
> of creationism???  Ralph Langenheim

That doesn't follow from Cockburn's comment on VP nominees, for either him or
me.  But since you ask, I take the liberty to attach an article by a friend,
entitled "Creation," that does express my view (but not I think Cockburn's).  A
relevant paragraph follows.  --CGE

"I hope it will be evident that creation is here being used in a quite
different sense from the way it is used by people who seek to discover the
origin of the universe (was it a big bang or a lot of little pops or
whatever). Whatever processes took place in remote periods of time is of
course in itself a fascinating topic but it is irrelevant to the question
of creation in the sense that makes us speak of God. When we have
concluded that God created the world, there still remains the scientific
question to ask about what kind of world it is and was and how, if ever,
it began. It is probably unnecessary to say that the proposition that the
universe is made by God and that everything that is, is begun and
sustained in existence by God, does not entail that the universe has only
existed for a finite time. There may be reasons for thinking that the
universe is finite in time and space but the fact that its existence
depends on God is not one of them."

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