[Peace-discuss] a fairly full list of all the election BS that have happened already in this Pres. Election.

Barbara kessel barkes at gmail.com
Sun Nov 2 19:53:52 CST 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lora Chamberlain <drlora2 at yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 7:44 PM
Subject: Here is a fairly full list of all the election BS that have
happened already in this Pres Election, Please pray that Tuesday is not a
To: ballot <ballot-integrity at yahoogroups.com>

As you read below keep in mind that we will be having a
Rally to Defend our Democracy on Thurs, Nov 6th, 4pm at Federal Plaza in
Chicago, to start demanding investigations and a fix to our Federal
elections from Sen. Durbin and yes, Sen. Obama, please join us!
Don't just sit there and take another stolen election without making a stand
for Democracy!
Thank you, Dr. Lora

U.S. Election Problems May Affect Nov. 4 Election Outcomes

This email lists recent news articles about this election:

I. Tens of Thousands of Eligible Voters Purged from Electronic State Voter

II. Purged Voters Must Use Provisional Ballots That Are Not Necessarily

III. Electronic Pollbook Problems Prevent Voters from Voting, or Force
Voters to Use Provisional Ballots

IV. Straight Ticket Voting Causes Vote-Flipping & Undervotes

V. Discernible Touch-screen Vote Flipping

VI. Indiscernible Vote-Flipping - No Rational Reason to Trust the
Integrity & Accuracy of U.S. Election Results

VII. Voting Machines Not Working

VIII. Voter Intimidation & Dirty Tricks

IX. Unequal Allocation of Voting Resources

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


"Some voters 'purged' from voter rolls"
http://www.cnn. com/2008/ POLITICS/ 10/26/voter. suppression/ index.html

... more than 50,000 registered Georgia voters who have been "flagged"
because of a computer mismatch in their personal identification
information. At least 4,500 of those people are having their
citizenship questioned and the burden is on them to prove eligibility
to vote.

"What most people don't know is that every year, elections officials
strike millions of names from the voter rolls using processes that are
secret, prone to error and vulnerable to manipulation, " said Wendy
Weiser, an elections expert with New York University's Brennan Center
for Justice.

Thousands Face Mix-Ups in Voter Registrations In New Databases, Many
Are Wrongly Flagged as Ineligible
http://www.washingt onpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/
10/17/AR20081017 03360.html

Block the Vote - Will the GOP's campaign to deter new voters and
discard Democratic ballots determine the next president?
http://www.rollings tone.com/ politics/ story/23638322/ block_the_ vote

USA Today cited "accusations of voter fraud and voter suppression" but
omitted examples of voter suppression
http://mediamatters .org/items/ 200810170017? f=h_latest

States' Attempts to Clean up Voting Lists Result in Unlawful Voter
Purging and Suppression
http://www.civilrig hts.org/library/ features/ 033-voter- purge.html

Voter Reinstated After State Purges Her Registration Colorado Voters
Fight For Their Voices This Election Cycle
http://www.thedenve rchannel. com/news/ 17824470/ detail.html

Treasure Coast officials calling residents on 'no match, no vote' list
http://www.tcpalm. com/news/ 2008/oct/ 18/officials- calling-no- match-no-

Judge Rules Michigan Voter Purging Program Illegal
http://www.ombwatch .org/article/ blogs/entry/ 5453/53

Ohio GOP loses fight to contest new voters, The Supreme Court on
Friday threw out a lawsuit brought by the Ohio Republican Party that
could have made it easier to challenge tens of...
http://seattletimes .nwsource. com/html/ presidentialrace /2008281507_
campdig18. html

The Real Issue Isn't Voter Fraud, Its Vote Suppression (Joe
Rothstein's Commentary)
http://uspolitics. einnews.com/ article.php? nid=561852

Update on voting rights cases
http://www.dallasne ws.com/sharedcon tent/dws/ news/politics/ national/
stories/DN- votingbox_ 28pol.ART. State.Edition1. 4a98892.html

Voter Database Glitches Could Disenfranchise Thousands, 09.17.08
http://www.wired. com/print/ politics/ onlinerights/ news/2008/ 09/voter_

Some voters 'purged' from voter rolls
http://www.cnn. com/2008/ POLITICS/ 10/26/voter. suppression/

Courts are packed with cases of people whose voter registrations
aren't on file for some reason By RICK KARLIN, Capitol bureau
http://timesunion. com/TUNews/ author/AuthorPag e.aspx?AuthorNum =82

Brennan Center: 2008's Voter Suppression Incidents So Far
http://www.alternet .org/election08/ 104413/brennan_ center:_2008%
27s_voter_ suppression_ incidents_ so_far/

Democratic Party questions voter cancellations
http://www.clevelan d.com/newsflash/ index.ssf? /base/politics-
0/12252314575669 0.xml&storylist=topstorie s

Democrats allege voter purge
http://www.2theadvo cate.com/ news/politics/ 33486504. html

Florida counties split over voter verification
http://www.miamiher ald.com/news/ miami-dade/ story/741884. html

White House Asks for Scrutiny
http://www.washingt onpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/
10/24/AR20081024 03659.html

Lawmakers Urge DOJ Not to Intervene in Ohio Voter Dispute
http://www.pubrecor d.org/nationworl d/428-lawmakers- urge-doj-
not-to-intervene -in-ohio- voter-dispute. html

Coffman sued over voter purge
http://www.denverpo st.com/breakingn ews/ci_10815894

Colorado Faces Suit on Voter Purges
http://www.nytimes. com/2008/ 10/25/us/ politics/ 25brfs-001.

Ohio group drops lawsuit over voter ID
http://www.newarkad vocate.com/ article/20081024 /UPDATES01/ 81024025/

Bush Orders DOJ To Probe Ohio Voter Registrations, October 25, 2008
http://www.talkingp ointsmemo. com/talk/ blogs/esk/ 2008/10/bush-
orders-doj- to-probe- ohio.php

Over 1,500,000 NYS Voters Purged,  October 21st
Have you been purged from New York State's database?
http://www.nyvv. org/boblog/ 2008/10/21/ over-1500000- nys-voters- purged/

Some voters 'purged' from voter rolls
http://www.cnn. com/2008/ POLITICS/ 10/26/voter. suppression/

12,165 now on Florida's 'no match' vote list
http://www.tampabay .com/news/ politics/ state/article877 094.ece

Tipping the Scales -- Up to 10,000 Registrations Deemed Incomplete in
http://www.huffingt onpost.com/ martin-markovits /tipping- the-scales-
---up_b_138508. html

Voter rolls at center of clerk's race
http://www.northjer sey.com/news/ njpolitics/ 33344799. html

Colorado Secretary of State sued over voter purges
http://www.koaa. com/aaaa_ top_stories/ x1589514438/ Colorado- Secretary-
of-State- sued-over- voter-purges

Federal judge will hear voter purge case Wednesday
http://www.examiner .com/a-1659209~ Federal_judge_ will_hear_ voter_purge_
case_Wednesday. html

Latest developments on Colorado voting issues
http://www.rockymou ntainnews. com/news/ 2008/oct/ 28/latest- developments-
on-colorado- voting-issues/

Voting rights group sues Colorado secretary of state over purges
http://coloradoinde pendent.com/ 12872/voting- rights-group- sue-colorado-
secretary- of-state- over-purges

CNN: Error purges 50,000 Georgia voters from rolls
http://www.boston. com/news/ politics/ politicalintelli gence/2008/
10/cnn_error_ purge.html

Court: 'Flagged' citizens may vote
http://www.ajc. com/metro/ content/metro/ stories/2008/ 10/27/voters_
verificiation_ ruling.html? cxntlid=homepage _tab_newstab

Colo.'s Katherine Harris threatens '08 election [another attempt to
disenfranchise voters on a technicality]
http://www.politics west.com/ 32023/colorados_ katherine_ harris_threatens

Lawmakers Urge DOJ Not to Intervene in Ohio Voter Dispute
http://www.pubrecor d.org/nationworl d/428-lawmakers- urge-doj-
not-to-intervene -in-ohio- voter-dispute. html


Provisional Ballots Get Uneven Treatment
http://online. wsj.com/article/ SB12251565192137 4669.html? mod=googlenews_

Increase in provisional ballots could stress election systems
Eligibility questions may delay results
http://news- press.com/ article/20081024 /NEWS0107/ 810250424

Watchdog Groups Urge Voters to Reject Provisional Ballots Groups hope
to settle challenges at polls; feds will monitor fraud claims
http://www.wibc. com/News/ Story.aspx? ID=101696

79 Rockingham voters given provisional ballots
http://www.news- record.com/ content/2008/ 10/28/article/ 79_rockingham_
voters_given_ provisional_ ballots


Voters turn out in force for historic campaign
http://www.chron. com/disp/ story.mpl/ hotstories/ 6068201.html
Among the problems was a malfunction in the machines that scan voters'
identification … where about 300 people stood in line waiting to cast

Long lines, glitches reported during early voting
http://edition. cnn.com/2008/ POLITICS/ 10/24/voting. problems/

Your vote faces challenges like never before
http://www.times- standard. com/othervoices/ ci_10820484

Early voters overwhelm poll workers
But touch-screen machines functioned just fine, county election official
http://www.parkreco rd.com/todayshea dlines/ci_ 10808045

Glitch reported in early voting in Park City
http://www.ksl. com/?nid= 148&sid=4631731

Summit County residents show up at polls only to find they've already voted
http://www.sltrib. com/news/ ci_10830698

Card glitch snarls early voting
http://www.thespect rum.com/article/ 20081021/ NEWS01/81021005

Long lines, few machines [and Diebold's crashing poll books] hamper
voting in Georgia county
http://www.cnn. com/2008/ POLITICS/ 10/28/georgia. voting/


North Carolina - Watch out for a separation between the straight-party
vote and the presidential vote on your ballots!
http://www.american chronicle. com/articles/ 79161

Straight Ticket Voting Causing Problems
http://www.snopes. com/politics/ ballot/straightt icket.asp

Confusing North Carolina Ballot Leaves off Votes for President
http://www.huffingt onpost.com/ diane-tucker/ confusing- north-carolina_
b_138073. html

Vote Count Error Caught in New Mexico Machines
By Kim Zetter October 07, 2008
http://blog. wired.com/ 27bstroke6/ 2008/10/vote- count-erro. html

Officials find, fix glitch in New Mexico voting machine
http://www.rep- am.com/news/ elections/ 370744.txt

Day before early voting, glitch found with machines
http://www.dailymai l.com/News/ election08/ 200810140217

SC, WV, MO, TN, and TX

Law Center Sends Letter to States About Vote-Flipping Machines
http://blog. wired.com/ 27bstroke6/ 2008/10/law- center-send. html

Citizens face major problems when polling machines malfunction
http://www.elon. edu/pendulum/ Story.aspx? id=1198

Texas county's machines causing concern for some voters
http://politicaltic ker.blogs. cnn.com/2008/ 10/28/tx- countys-machines
-causing- concern-for- some-voters/

Tennesseans report voting problems
http://www.tennesse an.com/apps/ pbcs.dll/ article?AID= /20081025/ NEWS0206/
810250366/ 1009/NEWS02

Early e-voting results in vote flipping in three states so far
http://machinist. salon.com/ blog/2008/ 10/27/early_ voting/

Good with Crayons? Then you can vote in Kanawha County
http://sundaygazett email.com/ News/20081024071 6

W. Virginia Gave E-Voting VP an Award While Machines Were Malfunctioning
http://blog. wired.com/ 27bstroke6/ 2008/10/w- virginia- give.html

Votes being stolen from Obama in Early Voting, October 23, 2008
http://realhistorya rchives.blogspot .com/2008/ 10/votes- being-stolen-
from-obama- in-early. html

Some early W.Va. voters angry over switched votes
Jackson County touch-screens switched votes, 3 residents say
http://wvgazette. com/News/ 200810170676

More W.Va. voters say machines are switching votes
In six cases, Democratic votes flipped to GOP
http://wvgazette. com/News/ 200810180251

Vote Flipping in Davidson County, Tennessee
http://uncountedthe movie.com/ blog/2008/ 10/20/vote- flipping- in-davidson-
county-tennessee /

Voting Machines Switch Votes; Officials Blame Voters
http://blog. wired.com/ 27bstroke6/ 2008/10/voting- machine.html

Voters in W.Va. Say Electronic Voting Machines Switched their Obama
Votes to McCain
http://www.huffingt onpost.com/ jim-mckay/ voters-in- wva-say-electro_
b_136332. html

Voting Is a Touchy Business
Some machines showing wrong choices in W.Va.
http://www.news- register. net/page/ content.detail/ id/515728. html

Early-voting problems in Putnam, WV
Touch-screen votes switched, then corrected
http://sundaygazett email.com/ News/20081020071 1

W. Virginia Gives E-Voting [ES&S] VP an Award While Its Machines Malfunction
http://popmartian. com/techpile/ 2008/10/28/ w-virginia- gives-e-voting-
vp-an-award- while-machines- malfunction- 2/

W. Virginia Video Testimonials of Vote Flipping
http://videothevote .org/video/ ?state=WV&tag=&year=2008&search=Search

Early Voting Can Be Fun! And Crowded! And Confusing! Also, Troubling!
Tue Oct 21, 2008
http://blogs. dallasobserver. com/unfairpark/ 2008/10/voting_ is_fun_and_
confusing_ al.php

Vote Flipping in Davidson County, Tennessee, 21 October 2008
http://www.scoop. co.nz/stories/ HL0810/S00304. htm

Problems with Voting Machines
http://www.ktsm. com/news/ local/33423489. html

Testing OKs touch screen voting machines
http://www.herald- dispatch. com/news/ briefs/x11256364 59/W-Va-Testing-
OKs-touch- screen-voting- machines

Voting Rights Watch: One company's machine behind vote-switching
reported in early balloting across the South
http://southernstud ies.org/facingso uth/2008/ 10/voting- rights-watch-
one-companys. asp

Voters using e-voting machines urged to check printouts to verify their
http://www.computer world.com/ action/article. do?command=
viewArticleBasic&articleId=9117645&intsrc=news_ ts_head

Voters turn out in force for historic campaign
http://www.chron. com/disp/ story.mpl/ hotstories/ 6068201.html

Letter to Secretaries of State re: iVotronic "Vote Flipping"
http://www.brennanc enter.org/ content/resource /letter_to_ secretaries_
of_state_ re_ivotronic_ vote_flipping/

Concerns raised over electronic voting
http://www.mineralw ellsindex. com/local/ local_story_ 298161535. html

Problems Plague Early Voting System
Elections Commission Says Blames Calibration
http://www.wsmv. com/politics/ 17803172/ detail.html

Voters confused about presidential vote on TN county's machines
http://politicaltic ker.blogs. cnn.com/2008/ 10/26/voters- confused-
about-presidenti al-vote-on- tn-countys- machines/

Surprise, Surprise: E-Voting Glitches Found In Early Voting
Techdirt - USA
http://www.techdirt .com/articles/ 20081024/ 1456192641. shtml
In this case, the machines are supplied by ES&S whose machines (like
both Sequoia and Diebold) have a relatively long history of screwing
up at election ...

This demo by a voting official shows what can happen when a machine's
touchscreen isn't calibrated. Then to make his point that a properly
calibrated machine works perfectly, he calibrates the machine, then he
votes straight republican and the machine votes for Ralph Nader
probably because his prior vote for Nader can not be overwritten
afterwards by voting the straight party option.
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=0Q9NSVUu8nk


There is motive and ample opportunity for insider vote manipulation in
all current U.S. voting systems.  The elections industry may be the
only major U.S. industry that is not subjected to independent
auditing.  No human being, not even the most skilled computer
scientist, can tell after an election what instructions executed on
current U.S. voting machines during elections, so the *only* way to
check the accuracy of US election outcomes is by manual counts of
voter-marked ballots.

E-Voting Made Scary
[Nice summary of the work of UCal Santa Barbara's Computer Security Group]
http://www.independ ent.com/news/ 2008/oct/ 23/e-voting- made-scary/

NY Times: Casting a Ballot, and a Wary Eye
http://www.nytimes. com/2008/ 10/27/business/ media/27link.

Interactive Map of US - How Hackable is your State's Voting System?
http://dvice. com/voting/ index.php

7 scariest problems with today's voting machines
http://dvice. com/archives/ 2008/10/seven_ scary_fac. php

Electronic Voting Machines Leave Room For Manipulations, Warns
Europe's Biggest Hacker Group
http://blogs. dw-world. de/acrossthepond /michael/ 1.7275.html

Part1 to 3: hack a Sequoia Advantage with Andrew Appel
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=xxM_QNGF1dE
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=3NHQHMXca9E
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=CA3J9qlVuBM

Princeton Warning on E-Voting Machine Hack Shows Human Touch Can Be a Good
http://www.eweek. com/c/a/Security /Princeton- Warning-on- EVoting-Machine-
Hack-Shows- Human-Touch- Can-Be-a- Good-Thing/

SC Voting Machines Prone to Problems, Warns USC Computer Science Chairman
http://www.wspa. com/spa/news/ local/article/ sc_voting_ machines_ prone_to_
problems_ warns_usc_ computer_ science_chairman /10365/

A Vote for More Secure Elections (discusses hackability of optiscan
voting machines)
http://advice. cio.com/seisenst adt/a_vote_ for_more_ secure_elections

Princeton report rips N.J. e-voting machines as easily hackable
Vendor challenges research, says its machines are safe and reliable
http://www.computer world.com/ action/article. do?command=

E-Voting Complaints Heat Up With Early Voting
http://www.informat ionweek.com/ news/security/ government/ showArticle.
jhtml?articleID= 211600865

South Carolina among 10 least ready for voting glitches
http://chronicle. augusta.com/ stories/102108/ met_480256. shtml

Did Washington waste millions on faulty voting machines?
http://www.bnd. com/breaking_ news/story/ 508139.html

While flagging illegal practices, don't overlook machine error
http://www.pennlive .com/editorials/ patriotnews/ index.ssf? /base/opinion/
1224017708102750 .xml&coll=1


Voting machines absent on first day of early voting
http://www.pro8news .com/news/ local/31328619. html

Boulder County - Greenlee: Will our votes count?
http://www.dailycam era.com/news/ 2008/oct/ 26/will-our- votes-count/

Optical Scan Machines Not Working but at least there are paper ballots
that *could* be counted if candidates contest and if state laws allow
manual counts to check the machine tallies.

Ballots not being recorded at two Leon County polling places
http://www.tallahas see.com/article/ 20081020/ BREAKINGNEWS/ 81020024

Early Voting off to Rough Start
http://www.firstcoa stnews.com/ news/breaking/ news-article. aspx?storyid=
optical scan readers - those machines were indicating the ballot was too

Film, panel highlight errors in electronic voting machine software
http://www.idsnews. com/news/ story.aspx? id=63924&comview=1


Denounce dirty tricks: Ensuring a fair vote is a responsibility, too
http://www.philly. com/inquirer/ opinion/20081027 _Denounce_ dirty_tricks_
_Ensuring_ a_fair_vote_ is_a_responsibil ity__too. html

New Mexico GOP Sued For Voter Intimidation
http://www.huffingt onpost.com/ 2008/10/27/ new-mexico- gop-sued-
for-v_n_138199. html

Phony flier says Virginians vote on different days
http://hamptonroads .com/2008/ 10/phony- flier-says- virginians-
vote-different- days

Civil rights groups file suits on voter harassment
http://www.santafen ewmexican. com/Local% 20News/Civil- rights-groups-
file-suits- on-voter- harassment#

GOP lawyer refuses to deny private eye visits (updated)
Two in ACORN controversy say investigator' s visits were intimidating
http://newmexicoind ependent. com/6457/ nm-gop-accused- of-voter-

Voter Suppression Hits the Web
E-Mails Sow Disinformation As Voting Groups Prepare To Monitor Polls
With Web Apps, Twitter And Mobile Video
http://www.national journal.com/ njonline/ no_20081027_ 9705.php


NAACP Sues Officials over Vote Preparations
High-Minority Areas Affected, Group Says
http://www.washingt onpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/
10/27/AR20081027 02289.html? hpid=topnews

A Voting Rights Disaster?
http://www.washingt onpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/
10/27/AR20081027 02405.html

Some states are not providing adequate voting equipment, machines,
stations and staff
http://salsa. democracyinactio n.org/o/1331/ t/6410/campaign. jsp?campaign_

Election Watchdog Group Warns of Ballot Shortage
http://www.myfoxcol orado.com/ myfox/pages/ News/Detail? contentId=

U.S judge hears Pa. ballot lawsuit
http://www.philly. com/inquirer/ local/20081029_ U_S_judge_ hears_Pa_
_ballot_lawsuit. html
------------ -

Not all election problems are reported by voters or officials.
Unfortunately, in most states there is no requirement for poll workers
to report problems to county and township election officials, no
requirement for county election officials to report problems to the
state election officials and no requirement for anyone to report
election problems to the US Election Assistance Commission or to the

An independently compiled similar list of news articles also organized
by voting problems occurring in this 2008 November election is
available here: ELECTION COMPLAINTS ARE POURING IN October 28, 2008
http://markcrispinm iller.blogspot. com/2008/ 10/election- complaints-
are-pouring- in.html

Review in real-time reports of voter assistance calls made to
866-OUR-VOTE, Election Protection's toll-free hotline.
http://www.ourvotel ive.org/home. php


U.S. election problems are extensive enough to possibly cause
candidates to be certified for office that were not accurately elected
by voters in U.S. presidential, congressional, and state election

US election officials have, in the past decade, turned over vote
reporting, vote counting, and even vote casting, in the case of
electronic ballots, to private vendors using trade-secret software.
Election officials close relationships with voting machine vendors may
explain why some officials are resisting the public cry for increased
public transparency and public control over elections, including
ballot security that is necessary to ensure accurate election

Independent scientific manual post-election audits and public
oversight would ensure that voters decide who governs.

It is only by protecting the right to vote for everyone, that our own
individual right to vote is protected because the secret ballot
prevents any voter from being able to check that his or her own vote
was counted accurately and makes elections very difficult to secure.

Thanks to the Daily Voting News efforts of John Gideon for alerting
election integrity advocates to many of these news articles.

Due to the large number of voters wrongly purged from voting rolls who
will be forced to count on provisional ballots that are not usually
counted until weeks after the election, and due to the unaudited
nature of machine counts, candidates should not concede any election
contest until after all provisional ballots have been counted and
after detailed election data has been obtained from election officials
by open records requests and analyzed to detect any anomalous patterns
consistent with vote miscount.

I will follow-up this email with another giving advice to voters,
including how to report the problems that you experience during this

Kathy Dopp

The material expressed herein is the informed product of the author
Kathy Dopp's fact-finding and investigative efforts. Dopp is a
Mathematician, Expert in election audit mathematics and procedures; in
exit poll discrepancy analysis; and can be reached at

P.O. Box 680192
Park City, UT 84068
phone 435-658-4657

http://utahcountvot es.org
http://electionmath ematics.org
http://electionarch ive.org

How to Audit Election Outcome Accuracy
http://electionarch ive.org/ucvAnaly sis/US/paper- audits/VoteCount
AuditBillRequest .pdf

History of Confidence Election Auditing Development & Overview of
Election Auditing Fundamentals
http://electionarch ive.org/ucvAnaly sis/US/paper- audits/History-
of-Election- Auditing- Development. pdf

Voters Have Reason to Worry
http://utahcountvot es.org/UT/ UtahCountVotes- ThadHall- Response. pdf

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