[Peace-discuss] Test. And, remember Dan Kenney speaks tonight Fri 10/10, 7pm, Urbana City Council chambers!

Stuart Levy slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Fri Oct 10 15:30:24 CDT 2008

This is a test message -- are the peace/-discuss lists working today?
Checking a rumor that says they are not.

In case they are, remember that historian Dan Kenney speaks
this evening, Friday, Oct. 10th, at 7:00pm in the Urbana City Council chambers:

  We are in an EMERGENCY of PRIVATIZATION with the Bailout
  of Wall Street at the expense of American Taxpayers.

  The fear tactics of emergency being used now to rush this
  economic gift plan sound familiar because they are similar
  to the selling of the Iraq War.

This is just the latest and perhaps most blatant example of privatization:
private profits being supported and maintained by public money.

Where can we go from here to change this path?

       Outsourcing of our Sovereignty:
 Privatization of War, Emergencies and Everyday Life

     Dan Kenney: Speaker
	- Historian and teacher in Dekalb,
	- American Federation of Teachers,
	- Interfaith Network, an anti-war group,
	- Clearwater, a group opposed to Blackwater,
		the world's largest Private Military security contractor.

  Friday, October 10, 7:00 PM. at the Urbana City Council Chambers,
      400 S. Vine Street in Urbana.

  Co-sponsors: A.W.A.R.E., Channing-Murray, I.W.W., Jobs with Justice, 
      Socialist Forum, and U-C Friends' Meeting

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