[Peace-discuss] Bush-Obama terrorism???

Bob Illyes illyes at uiuc.edu
Mon Oct 13 15:41:39 CDT 2008

I've skimmed through the comments, including Mort's recent response to 
Neil. Perhaps the most amazing is Carl's "With Obama in charge, there will 
be even more babies who will take no more steps. I'm not sure how his 
apologists can sleep." Carl claimed at a recent AWARE meeting that it was 
hard to tell the difference between theories and facts, so I guess his 
statement should be no surprise.

We have a retired fighter pilot from a military family (like Carl in the 
latter respect) running against Obama, who spent part of his youth working 
on social justice instead of doing God-knows-what in the skies over North 
Vietnam. The list of differences is much longer than this, Neil's statement 
to the contrary.

In addition to a fondness for big sticks, McCain believes that the 
invisible hand of the free market will do the right thing, if we get rid of 
a few bad apples. This is the sort of thinking that Soros points out has a 
lot in common with Marxism, which represents that the hidden hand of 
Hegel's dialectic will enable the Revolution to mysteriously make things right.

It astonishes me that some people on this list keep trying to paint Obama 
as authoritarian left. This makes it easy to refute him, since it does not 
describe him. His views are explicitly and deliberately centrist.

If you think that nearly unrestrained neoliberalism and always being tough 
are the way to go, McCain is your man. If you have your doubts about both 
of these and think that we should be paying more attention to the middle 
class, Obama is your man. If you can't tell the difference, please check 
your owner's manual for the location of your reset button.

Incidentally, Krugman got the Nobel Prize today!


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