[Peace-discuss] IVAW members assaulted by mounted police and jailed at Hofstra U debate

E. Wayne Johnson ewj at pigs.ag
Thu Oct 16 12:03:43 CDT 2008

Several members of Iraq Veterans Against the War including my good friend
Adam Kokesh were assaulted by police on horseback and arrested last 
night outside the
presidential debates. 

Of course these debates are a sham event of scripted theatre, a mockery 
of democracy,
but IVAW insisted on asking some questions about the treatment of our 
veterans and were paid for their trouble by being trampled by horses.  
One "civilian" (non-veteran)
girl was apparently seriously injured and one IVAW member was bloodied.  
youtube sources have pictures of the blood tracks and bloody smears.

Democracy Now! has some of the better video.  Adam Kokesh is not in
the forefront but is can be seen in the video standing with the 2 IVAW 
leaders wearing a IVAW t-shirt
and a tan military cap.


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