Re: [Peace-discuss] Arguments…

Neil Parthun lennybrucefan at
Thu Oct 16 21:38:16 CDT 2008

> The reason is partly because I know I would vote for Obama if I  
> lived in Ohio
> or Indiana, where the race between McCain and Obama is too close to  
> call, and
> so, to vote for Nader when it is simply safe to do so here in  
> Pennsylvania is
> really a cop-out.

No, sir, the true cop out is a person not voting for their beliefs  
and what they actually would want.

> Finally, with respect to war and militarism, I tend not to take  
> Obama's warmongering seriously. Given the man's background, I am  
> confident that he is
> not a militarist by nature.

Who are you going to believe?  Obama's rhetoric, votes and facts or  
your lying eyes and ears?

We've elected Democrats with mandates (see: 2006 and the "End the War  
in Iraq, Dems!") and they've done nothing but sell people down the  
river except with the small pandered bill to avoid a total left mutiny.

I didn't see a reason to vote Obama in this article.  I saw "Well,  
this might happen...", "I wish and I hope that..."  No tangible  
reasons and a person who has tried to minimize all factual  
information we've got on Obama's positions by saying "That's not  
really what he means..."  If wishes and buts were candy and nuts,  
we'd all be gorging on a buffet of Obama's snacks.

Its not the act of seeing with our own eyes alone; its correctly  
comprehending what we see,


  We absolutely have to refuse to attribute any kind of permanency to  
that which is simply because it is.
[angela v. davis, 1944-]

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could.  
Some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as  
you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with  
too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
[ralph waldo emerson, 1803-1882]
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