Jenifer Cartwright jencart13 at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 19 15:27:47 CDT 2008

This is for those of you who still believe there's no sig diff betw McCain and Obama. No, it doesn't do anything for world peace (unfortunately), but it does make a huge difference in the lives of millions of Amricans. 
Also, in addition to the NARFE results (below), Obama's yes/no responses agreed 100% w/ the AARP on a survey generated by the AARP. McCain refused to commit himself to a single yes/no reponse, tho' he, like Obama and the AARP, provided an explanatory paragraph (which didn't say much one way or the other -- his NARFE responses are much more definitive). 

Sorry about all these posts, guys -- trying to cut down (believe it or not).

--- On Sat, 10/18/08, Kevin Jessup, Sr.  wrote:  

----- Original Message ----- 

Dan Adcock 703-838-7760 
October 3, 2008 
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) President Margaret L. Baptiste released today the responses she received from Republican Presidential Nominee, Senator John McCain, and Democratic Presidential Nominee, Senator Barack Obama, to questions on public policy issues critical to the interests of nearly 5 million federal workers and annuitants, particularly an anticipated overhaul of entitlement programs, which could affect federal civil service retirement and the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP).
Senators McCain's and Obama's answers to the survey questions are now available on the NARFE web site at http://www.narfe.org/pdf/2008NARFEPresidentialCandidateSurvey.pdf and will be published in the November NARFE magazine which Association members will receive by October 25. 
According to Baptiste, NARFE asked the presidential candidates their views on such key matters as:

Cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) equity between Social Security, federal civilian and military retirees. 

How the nine million FEHBP enrollees would be affected by comprehensive health care reform.

Tax treatment of employer sponsored health insurance, including NARFE's goal to extend "Premium Conversion" benefits to federal annuitants as well as military personnel and retirees.

Repeal or reform of the unfair and arbitrary Social Security Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).

#          #          #
NARFE, one of America's oldest and largest associations, was founded in 1921 with the mission of protecting the earned rights and benefits of America's active and retired federal workers. The largest federal employee/ retiree organization, NARFE represents the retirement interests of nearly 5 million current and future federal annuitants, spouses, and survivors.
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