[Peace-discuss] proposed Organizational Endorsement of the Employee Free Choice Act...

Jenifer Cartwright jencart13 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 24 21:36:25 CDT 2008

Sure, Bob, I'd like very much to continue that discussion: 
At AWARE's inception, I suggested our name should be Anti-War Anti-Repression Effort, because  that was more inclusive re the many things we needed to cover. Obviously I lost, but I've always felt that was immaterial, as many issues that attracted AWARE's interest (and support) have indeed fallen under that broader heading...
But if this needs fit into AWARE's guidelines, then let's look at it this way: 
I know, as a longtime member of a fairly strong union, that management respects the rights of workers when they belong to a union, and doesn't care a whit about employees or their rights when they don't. Everything is much, much easier for minority workers when they work where there are union protections, and it's also much much easier for them to fight for their rights and win lawsuits against discriminatory practices when they have the backing of their union and the help of a lawyer provided by- and paid for by their union.
Other AWARE members surely will continue the discussion and provide additional support for AWARE's endorsement of the Employee Free Choice Act.. 

--- On Fri, 10/24/08, Robert Naiman <naiman.uiuc at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Robert Naiman <naiman.uiuc at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] proposed Organizational Endorsement of the Employee Free Choice Act...
To: kmedina at illinois.edu
Cc: "peace discuss" <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net>
Date: Friday, October 24, 2008, 2:23 PM

Understood; though presumably one could add: to the anti-racism issue.
As we all know, the issue of scope could be interpreted in different
ways, there are all kinds of precedents one could point to in AWARE's
actions in the past; I leave this discussion to others.

I would, though, like to point out the following:

As you look around the country, over the last many years, there is a
high correlation between union density and everything decent. Look at
states where unions are strong and weak, and look where there is a
death penalty, look at aid to the poor, look at what the minimum wage
is, look at what anti-discrimination protections are on the books,
look at how they are enforced.

And there are two basic reasons for this: one is that wherever unions
are strong, workers have more political power. And the second is:
wherever unions are strong, workers are more progressive, because
there is an infrastructure that it constantly telling workers a
different story from the corporate press about why things are the way
they are and how things should be.

Regarding the latter, consider, among many examples, the current
presidential campaign. Regardless of what one thinks of Obama's
politics, it is indisputable that a central dynamic of the campaign
has been the question of race, and how white working class voters
would respond to the prospect of a black president. And unions have
been in the forefront of taking the issue of racism among white
working class voters head on.

If the Employee Free Choice Act, or something close to it, becomes
law, there will be a dramatic expansion of unions in the United
States, particularly in the South. Polling has consistently showed
that many non-union workers would love to be in a union, if they could
get past the current regime of employer intimidation. In addition to
bringing economic benefit and workplace protection and voice to those
folks who gain union representation, it would fundamentally alter the
politics of the United States in a progressive way. There will be more
anti-discrimination protections and they will be better enforced
throughout the country; more peace candidates will be elected to
federal office; there will be fewer wars. It's hard to imagine any
feasible progressive reform in the next four years that would have a
greater long-term impact on the United States than making it easier
for workers to win union representation.

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 1:20 PM, Karen Medina <kmedina at illinois.edu>
> Jenifer and Bob N,
> RE: Organizational Endorsement of the Employee Free Choice Act
> There is probably no dispute as to whether this is a worthy cause or not.
> The issue would be whether this is related to the anti-war issue.
> Jenifer C asked:
>> Not sure how many member votes would be needed for the endorsement,
>> whether strong opposition would preclude it. Anybody?
> Jenifer, the definition of consensus is pretty straightforward.
> -karen medina
>> Organizational Endorsement of the Employee Free Choice Act
>> We, the undersigned organization, are concerned about the pervasive
>> violation of the rights of working people when they attempt to
>> exercise their basic freedom to form unions and bargain collectively
>> for a better life.
>> The Employee Free Choice Act is the first step to fixing this badly
>> broken system.  The Employee Free Choice Act will:
>> -       Strengthen penalties for companies that coerce or intimidate
>> employees trying to form unions and bargain.
>> -       Establish mediation and binding arbitration when the employer
>> workers cannot agree on a first contract.
>> -       Enable employees to form unions when a majority signs
>> authorization cards.
>> Our organization endorses the Employee Free Choice Act and permits our
>> organization's name to be used on materials that may be reproduced
>> distributed to the press and the general public.
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>> Title: _______________________________________________________
>> Organization: ________________________________________________
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Robert Naiman
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

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