[Peace-discuss] Re: [Peace] Norman Solomon's plea.

E. Wayne Johnson ewj at pigs.ag
Fri Oct 31 09:18:19 CDT 2008

Jenifer Cartwright wrote:
> IS there a God?? 
All you have to do see whether there is a God is to see his creation as 
you say.
> The very existence of Nader would suggest not. 
The advent of Naderisms in automobiles and even trucks got Nader much 
We spent a lot of time sawing out catalytic converters and disabling a 
lot the other
Ralph Nader gadgets and safety interlocks on our vehicles in the late 
60's and through the 70's,
cursing Nader ever moment.  A lot of people never forgave Nader for his 
"consumer advocacy"
that brought all that junk upon us.

As a presidential candidate, Nader does impress me as being honest and 
and he does have some good ideas, characteristics not attributable to 

> On the other hand, there's Crumb... 
Robert Crumb is the Shakespeare of cartoonists.

> --Jenifer

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