[Peace-discuss] Optimism from A. Cockburn

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Fri Oct 31 23:26:31 CDT 2008

"The best the Republicans can do at the moment is ... hope that President Obama 
will stick to his campaign promises, launch a wider war in Afghanistan and maybe 
Iran, sacrifice all his domestic pledges on the altar of imperial maintenance 
overseas and see his presidency wither and die, just as Lyndon Johnson did.

"But that assumes that somehow the economic meltdown has not altered all the 
political coordinates; that however much against his will and political 
instincts, emergency may push the country and Obama willy-nilly to the left, and 
to policies that Republicans won't be well equipped to challenge, because their 
credibility as a party is in ruins."

That is, as I say, optimistic. --CGE

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