[Peace-discuss] NOW on PBS interviews Amy Goodman about her arrest/ special DN! appeal

Kimberlie Kranich kakranich at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 5 20:05:49 CDT 2008

NOW on PBS (airs on WILL-TV 7:30pm Fridays) host David Brancaccio did an excellent interview with  Amy Goodman in which she talks comprehensively about pre-emptive arrests of journalists who cover street demonstrations and the police at those demonstrations and specifically about her and DN! producers' arrests at the RNC .

The interview can be seen at the following url:


Scroll down to see Amy Goodman's photo.

Also see the email appeal from DN! for support.


Subject: DN!: After RNC arrests, we need your support more than ever


We need your

We hope you had a chance to tune in to Democracy Now!'s extended coverage
of the Democratic and Republican National Conventions over the past two weeks.
We grilled politicians with tough questions and exposed the backroom corporate
suites. We deployed our reporters into the protest-filled streets to broadcast
voices of the silenced majority.

And, this week, we came head to head with the $50 million RNC security

This week's arrests of journalists including Democracy Now!'s own Amy
Goodman, Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar are chilling examples of how
police targeted journalists during the RNC in St. Paul. As you probably know,
Amy has been charged with a misdemeanor for intervening to stop the wrongful
arrests of her colleagues who face pending felony charges for simply
out their journalistic duties.

The world watched as the Twin Cities Police trampled the first amendment. The
YouTube video of Amy's arrest has been viewed more than 750,000 times. It
was the most watched YouTube video on Tuesday. The story of journalist arrests
and charges was covered by media outlets from the LA Times, Washington Post,
Boston Globe, San Francisco Guardian, Philadelphia Daily News, Denver Post,
Associated Press, Editor & Publisher, Salon.com, as well as by local and
public radio stations, and by political and news bloggers around the world.

At this time when reporters are being targeted, we rely on your support
<http://www.democracynow.org/contribute/donate_money> to continue our
unembedded, independent journalism. More than ever, you are the key to
protecting our first amendment right to a free and independent press.

As an ally of independent media, you know that
 government crackdowns on
journalists are a true threat to democracy. We know that too. That's why we
refused to let these significant disruptions prevent us from bringing you the
kind of the news and information that you expect from Democracy Now!  From the
streets to the suites to the convention floor, we worked around the clock to
broadcast independent, unembedded reporting you can't find anywhere else.

The public has cried out against the flagrant disregard for press freedom
demonstrated by Twin Cities police. Thanks to many of you, St. Paul officials
have received thousands of email messages and phone calls demanding that they
drop all pending and current charges. Our own site received over one million
hits this week as people sought out information they could trust. On Friday
morning, Freepress.net delivered over 60,000 signatures to local officials
demanding the charges be dropped.

Now, we ask for
 your financial
support.<http://www.democracynow.org/contribute/donate_money> After all,
donations from thousands of committed viewers and listeners like you are what
keeps us independent. Please help keep this critical program on the air. Without
you, there would be no Democracy Now!.

Thank you for your continued support.

Democracy Now!

PS - Please forward this appeal to anyone you know who believes democracy
depends on a vibrant and free press.

Donate to Democracy
Video of DN! Arrests & Action
Media Coverage of Journalist Arrests at

You are subscribed as
 kranich at uiuc.edu
(by email<mailto:digest-cunsub-u7xc1xwefn-15180256 at list.democracynow.org>)
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