[Peace-discuss] Pres. Candidates' responses to science questions: on US innovation, global warming, energy, education, water, political interference in science, health care, ...

Stuart Levy slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Wed Sep 17 09:28:52 CDT 2008

You might have heard last night's broadcast of the City Club of Cleveland,
where physicist Larry Krauss described Science Debate 2008, involving the
presidential candidates.  They weren't able to get them to attend a live debate,
but did provide fourteen specific written questions to which both Obama and McCain
have now responded, more or less specifically:


As Krauss pointed out, these answers were presumably prepared by
staffers rather than the candidates themselves; but they do show
the thinking of the people the cands. have chosen to advise them,
and as public statements they are putting themselves on record.

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