[Peace-discuss] Randall's news proposals

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Fri Sep 19 22:49:26 CDT 2008

My guide on this matter (as on much else) is Noam Chomsky, who in a 1995 interview observed, "Conspiracy theory is a four-letter word that's used by intellectuals who know they don't have the capacity to answer arguments, so they try to throw mud.  I'm as much of a conspiracy theorist as Adam Smith was." 

Adam Smith (1723-90) was a moral theorist who set out to analyze the institutions of incipient capitalism (institutions being structures and mechanisms of social order). 

Over against the products of the modern propaganda system administered by corporate media (about which the classic text is Herman & Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent), a real account of the news would be primarily an accurate institutional analysis. --CGE

Bob Illyes wrote:
> ...I don't find Carl's "News of the Week" useful. I already 
> keep up with the news, and the speculation largely seems to 
> assume conspiracies...

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