[Peace-discuss] Tell them No

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Mon Sep 22 07:03:02 CDT 2008

	"This is an impressive crowd: the haves and the have-mores.
	Some people call you the elites: I call you my base."
	--George Bush to a white-tie dinner in New York in 2000

More than war and the deaths of hundreds of thousands, the presidency of Bush 
has been about enriching the small minority of the very wealthy.  From war 
contracts to Supreme Court appointments, the paramount concern of this 
administration has been returns to the top tier of big business.

The result has been growing and accelerating inequality, with the concomitant 
impoverishment of Americans and people around the world.  Now, in a final act of 
expropriation, the administration plans to enrich the bankers beyond the dreams 
of avarice by investing the secretary of the treasury with financial power that 
fascist governments didn't possess.

Tell them no.

	Senator Durbin 202.224.2152
	Senator Obama 202.224.2854
	Representative Johnson 202.225.2371


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