[Peace-discuss] War on drugs

Bob Illyes illyes at uiuc.edu
Tue Sep 23 16:39:25 CDT 2008

Wayne Johnson writes "The war on drugs is a racket, a scam, a pretext for 
legalized robbery in the name of the law."

The war on drugs goes back to Reagan, who decided that drug addicts were 
evil and should be punished, rather than people with a medical problem who 
should be treated. He was pandering to the "Christian" right. I've heard it 
estimated that half of the folks in prison for dealing were not dealers, 
but were falsely convicted by testimony of actual dealers looking for a 
lighter sentence, and I believe it. If you think tickets for marijuana use 
are too expensive, Wayne, have a look at the cost of all of these prisoners.

The war on drugs is more legalized idiocy than legalized robbery. As with 
Prohibition, we need to change the law. Meanwhile, almost anything that 
keeps folks out of prison for having at most a medical problem is a good idea.

Wayne- are you a member of the courtwatch discuss list, or are those folks 
wondering what I am replying to?


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