[Peace-discuss] cafferty on palin-utube

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Sun Sep 28 01:15:24 CDT 2008

John W. wrote:
> After seeing that YouTube video where Katie Couric asks Palin about the 
> bailout and gets pure gibberish in reply, I can't WAIT for the VP debates
> next Thursday!  If the Republicans are smart, they'll get Tina Fey to
> impersonate Palin.  :-)

     COURIC: What happens if the goal of democracy, Gov. Palin, doesn't produce 
the desired outcome? For example, in Gaza, the U.S. pushed hard for elections, 
Hamas won.

     PALIN: Yeah. Well, especially in that region, though, we have got to 
protect those who do seek democracy and do seek protections for the people who 
live there. And, you know, we're seeking in the last couple of days here in New 
York, a speaker, a President of Iran, Ahmadinejad, who would come on our soil 
and express such disdain for one of our closest allies and friends, Israel, and 
we're hearing the evil that he speaks.

Note how the question itself assumes that the result of the democratic election 
in Gaza wasn't democratic, and how Palin goes immediately to another subject 
without even pretending to answer the question. But note also how her answer 
(about Ahmadinejad having the nerve to "come on our soil" and speak his mind) 
parallels almost exactly what Barack Obama had to say on the subject. She's not 
remotely as informed or articulate as Obama, but their actual positions are 
virtually identical. --<http://lefti.blogspot.com/>

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