[Peace-discuss] McCain campaign tied to bailout causes

mark bee cbee1uiucedu at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 29 13:59:22 CDT 2008

  I thought it might be useful to post this here where folks can get some use out of it.  Been doing a little digging on our current deregulation "crisis", and 
apparently "whiners" authority Phil Gramm (recently fired from co-chairing 
McCain's campaign and probably still his pick for Treasury Secretary) has 
his fingerprints all over it.  It's amazing what you can do with Google 
these days.

  Wonder why we don't see this in the media - even the progressive media? 






  And who voted for it:


  Whatever progressive reforms you favor, the money that would have paid for them is still in the process of being shunted to the investor class as we speak.

  But who to tell?

  Call Amy Goodman!   =)


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