[Peace-discuss] Diplomatic revolution (one of a series)

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Tue Apr 14 00:51:37 CDT 2009

	Trita Parsi, "Israel's Military Threat against Iran
	Is a Bluff That Keeps Giving"

The threat of military action, or rather the bluff, serves a purpose: Threats of 
military action militarizes the atmosphere. It creates an environment that 
renders diplomacy less likely to succeed -- it may even prevent diplomacy from 
being pursued in the first place...

This does not mean that Israel does not have legitimate reasons to fear Iran's 
nuclear advances -- on the contrary. But what lies at the heart of Israel's 
maneuvers is not necessarily the fear of a nuclear clash, but the regional and 
strategic consequences nuclear technology in Iranian hands will have for Israel...

First, an Iran with nuclear capability will significantly damage Israel's 
ability to deter militant Palestinian and Lebanese organizations. Gone would be 
the days when Israel's military supremacy would enable it to dictate the 
parameters of peace and pursue unilateral peace plans...

Second, the deterrence and power Iran would gain by mastering the fuel cycle 
could compel Washington to cut a deal with Tehran in which Iran would be 
recognized as a regional power and gain strategic significance in the Middle 
East at the expense of Israel...

Under these circumstances, US-Iran negotiations could damage Israel's strategic 
standing, since common interests shared by Iran and the US would overshadow 
Israel's concerns with Tehran and leave Israel alone in facing its Iranian 
rival. The Great Satan will eventually make up with the ayatollahs and forget 
about the Jewish state, Israeli officials fear.

Netanyahu's threat of stopping Iran if Obama doesn't should be seen in light of 
the Israeli rights' fear of a US-Iran deal. Talk of Israeli military action has 
not coincided with major advances in Iran's nuclear program, but rather with 
hints of an American preparedness to strike a compromise with Tehran that would 
grant it the dreaded know-how and limit Israel's strategic maneuverability.


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