[Peace-discuss] Oppose the administration's lies

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Mon Aug 10 18:57:25 CDT 2009

[This is a fund-raising appeal for Antiwar.com, one of the few oppositional 
websites not co-opted by the Obama campaign. They continue to draw together more 
important material than perhaps any place on the web. they're worth your 
consideration for support.  --CGE]

	"The clock is ticking. Iran is developing a nuclear capacity
	at a fairly rapid clip." --Barack Obama, June 26, 2009

If you thought Obama's victory would give us a respite from the threat of a new 
war, then think again. The same people who brought us the invasion of Iraq are 
pushing for an attack on Iran – and our president is echoing their war cries.

As we have pointed out again and again on this Web site, there is no evidence 
that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program. Indeed, Obama is contradicting 
his own CIA, which has declared "with high confidence" [.pdf] that Iran gave up 
its weapons program in 2003.

Yet military commanders have been singing the same tune as Obama, even using the 
same metaphor. "The clock is ticking," we are told, but when did it ever stop?

The War Party has been trying to provoke a conflict with Iran for years, and 
today it is closer than ever to its goal. In a month or so, the deadline Obama 
has set for a favorable response from the Iranians will have come and gone. What 
then? Sanctions, threats, provocations, and war. That is the path we are 
treading, unless the antiwar movement finds its voice again.

The antiwar movement seems to have fallen into a catatonic state since the 
election of President Obama. Yet we at Antiwar.com have not been silent. We've 
been exposing the war propaganda that inundates the mainstream media on a daily 
basis, debunking the phony "intelligence" aimed at demonizing Iran, and giving 
our readers the facts about who and what is behind the latest push for war.


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