[Peace-discuss] Mr. Obama, You Do Have a Button to Reverse the Coup in Honduras

Robert Naiman naiman.uiuc at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 12:22:04 CDT 2009

"I can't press a button and suddenly reinstate Mr. Zelaya," Obama said.

Actually, Mr. Obama, you do have a button. You're probably right that
it won't "suddenly" reinstate Mr. Zelaya. What's much more likely is
that pressing your button would make the coup regime much more likely
to accept the compromise proposal put forward by the Costa Ricans to
allow President Zelaya's reinstatement. Since your Administration
sponsored the Costa Rican process, it seems natural that you would do
something to make it work. Why not press your button and see what it

Sixteen Democratic Members of Congress - Representatives Raul
Grijalva, Jim McGovern, John Conyers, Jose Serrano, Chaka Fattah, Mike
Honda, Barbara Lee, Jesse Jackson, Jim Oberstar, Dennis Kucinich, Bill
Delahunt, Jan Schakowsky, Donna Christensen, Sheila Jackson Lee, Sam
Farr, and Linda Sanchez - have urged you to freeze
U.S. assets and suspend U.S. visas of coup leaders in Honduras.
Why haven't you already done so, or even threatened to consider it?




Robert Naiman
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

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