[Peace-discuss] Re: Fwd: Obama's August Surprise...Updated x2

Jenifer Cartwright jencart13 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 30 23:39:16 CDT 2009

Really?? Intentional and planned strategy on part of Obama and Dems?? And it's actually gonna work??? Seems too fantastic to be believed!!!

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Obama's August Surprise...Updated x2
by Larry Wohlgemuth

Thu Aug 27, 2009 at 07:31:56 AM PDT
Before I go on I would like to say rest in peace Teddy Kennedy.  We will finish the fight you started and we will win.
I continue to be awed by the genius of Barack Obama.  His recent execution of "The Take-Away" comes on the heels of expert timing and implementation of “The Feint”.  In a world where timing is everything Barack Obama put it on a gnat’s ass.
Join me below the fold as we dissect “The Feint”.

Larry Wohlgemuth's diary :: ::
Obama came into office saying that we were going to get health care done and it was going to be done before the August recess.  There was never any question in his mind that Congress would be forced to vote on a plan before they went home to their constituencies.  He spoke about it ad infinitum, and it did exactly what he planned.
His relentless pressure to get health care done by August forced the Republicans to gear up their troops for the showdown.  They had tea parties and disrupted town halls with a genuinely energized base.  They had no choice, they had to expend all their resources and show their strategies in an attempt to win in August.  Then Obama simply said oops, my bad, I guess we won't vote on it until October after all.  But what did he accomplish with this?
Saul Alinsky, in his book, “Rules for Radicals”, said the best tactics were those that the people most enjoyed.  But he also said that even the most enjoyable tactics will get stale and people will weary of them.  So the Republicans have been riding their wingnut base hard, asking them to wear funny costumes and carry not so funny signs and show up at teabag parties and town hall meetings.  From all appearances these were tactics that their base enjoyed, but how’s that working for them now?
Early on the town hall meetings were dominated by wingnuts, but not so much anymore.  That can be attributed to two things: first the wing nuts are wearing out and the tactic is no fun anymore, and second, by successfully executing The Take-Away, Obama has set the Democratic base in the motion.  To use a sexual metaphor the Republican strategy has suffered a premature ejaculation while the Democrats are moving towards a simultaneous orgasm.  Now we are seeing health-care reform supporters actually confronting the wing nuts, and in one case a group of elderly men ripped a sign out of the hands of a much younger and more physically fit wingnut protester.  Four weeks ago whodda thunk that would ever happen?
Today I personally witnessed the toll this is having on the Republicans.  I have been contacting Senator Grassley's offices, two every week, for the past four months.  I bombard them with questions about the Senator’s stance on health-care reform, and I asked them questions like why does the Senator hate the American people so much.  I also let them know that I'm aware that Grassley has taken millions from the health insurance industry.  On my second call today it became clear how effective Obama’s strategy has been.
I asked the woman if Senator Grassley agreed with Michael Steele and that Medicare should be privatized.  She said she was unaware of Michael Steele's statement, to which I responded he's the head of your party how could you not know when he makes a statement like this.  The woman then shrieked into the phone I only work in this office and she hung up.  At this point I had not even raised my voice.  This woman is physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted from having to answer all these questions about health care and her party.
So I decided hey, why stop with two calls today, so I called another one of his offices.  Our conversation basically got to the same point in the woman said I don't know the answer to these, let me transfer you to our Washington office.
The Republicans are in disarray.  They cannot stay on message, they are contradicting each other and they are exhausted.  The wing nuts are finding health-care reformers pushing back and confronting them, and their tactics are not nearly as much fun when they don't intimidate and scare people.  The tide is turning in a significant way, and it is to Obama's credit.
Just as athletes need to peak at the appropriate time, such is the way of political movements.  With his feint about an August vote Obama has forced the Republicans to peak way too early, and they are beginning to show the signs of fatigue.  Obama has turned the always on message Republican Party into a royal cluster-fuck.  And he didn't even break a sweat.
Barack Obama, I bow to your greatness.  Your “August Feint” followed by “The Take-Away” was executed with impeccable timing, and your greatness should be recognized by all.  I humbly bow before your genius.  Having watched Senator Kennedy for all these years I have little doubt he left behind a final, personal message to the American people.  I am certain he will urge us to continue the good fight, and give you ammunition to seal the deal.  I thank both of you for helping to return America to the hands of the American people.
In my next diary I will discuss "Providing Cover for the Blue Dogs", and how and why Obama is doing it.
UPDATE:  Rec list, I am humbled.  Thank you.
UPDATE 2:  Please go here to find a town hall meeting near you.

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