[Peace-discuss] Afghan War Winnable...

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Mon Aug 31 15:19:58 CDT 2009

	Afghan War Winnable If Enough People Die
	Says General Stanley McChrystal

The top commander in Afghanistan jubilantly proclaimed to the news media that 
the war in Afghanistan is winnable if we simply kill enough people.

"The only thing that stands between us and victory is a bunch of people shooting 
at us and opposing us", McChrystal said as he chomped on a Cuban cigar. "If we 
can kill those people then we will be guaranteed victory!"

McChrystal admitted that many innocent men, women and children who were not 
carrying weapons have also died during the war. "One death of an innocent person 
is a tragedy", McChrystal explained. "100,000 deaths is collateral damage".

The General explained that his troops were under specific orders to only kill 
people that possessed weapons, could possess weapons or may possess weapons in 
the future.

"That's everyone", McChrystal declared.

McChrystal also requested more troops be brought into the country because having 
more troops would enable the soldiers to kill more people and bring the war to 
an end sooner.

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates defended McChrystal's strategy. "It makes 
perfect sense that we will win the war if there's no one left to oppose us."

At least one soldier, who asked to remain anonymous, disagreed with Gates. "Why 
don't we just pull out now and screw this whole thing?" he asked.


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