[Peace-discuss] Power of Israel Lobby??

David Green davegreen84 at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 6 14:37:00 CST 2009

Poll: Americans Divided Over Israeli Attack
Headline from DN: A new public opinion poll has shown that Americans are closely divided over Israel’s actions. The Rasmussen Reports poll found 44 percent of Americans say Israel should have taken military action against the Palestinians, but 41 percent say it should have tried to find a diplomatic solution. Democratic voters overwhelmingly opposed Israel’s attacks by a 24-point margin. Republicans support Israel’s actions by a 35-point margin. The poll also found that more than half of Americans fear Israel’s actions will cause more terrorism against the United States.
Is there any doubt at this point that Obama and Democratic legislators have nothing to fear from AIPAC other than the loss of AIPAC contributions, and the loss of an invitation to the annual meeting? It is not that they fear the Lobby; they fear that if they heed their constituents, that might set a bad precedent for acknowledging what is really going on in the ME, and perhaps even lead them to do something about it. The Lobby is just used as an excuse for supporting American "interests" in the ME and beyond. Yes, the Lobby has influence in the halls of power: Defense, etc.; they have the same "interests." Regarding the Congress, and Obama as well, the Lobby serves as a figleaf to justify disregarding the wishes of their constituents. That is to say, the "interests" of elected officials are almost universally opposed to those of their constituents. That is  true even for the notorious Southern California congressional firm of Berman, Sherman, Waxman,
 Harman, & Schiff, all Jewish Democrats.


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