[Peace-discuss] SJP Event repercussions

David Green davegreen84 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 17 12:15:33 CDT 2009

The letter below was printed in today's DI; my letter below is not a response, as it was written and sent to the DI over the weekend. While it doesn't really matter, I doubt whether the student who wrote this letter actually stayed for the event; he offers no evidence that he did.
On March 12, Students for Justice in Palestine and other Arab organizations and cultural houses hosted an event called "Change in the Middle East: the US, Israel and Palestine". As an American and a Jew, I am deeply interested in a discussion about the future of the Arab-Israeli conflict. 

This is a delicate issue that requires the presence of all sides taking part in a mature discussion. Thursday's event was none of that.

The lack of Jewish sponsorship itself indicates the slant of the event: anti-Israel and anti-Jewish. The "Jewish" side was represented by Dr. Norman Finkelstein, a self-loathing Jew and denier of the Holocaust (a crime in Germany), who holds virulent anti-Israeli beliefs. Ali Abunimah, co-founder of Electronic Intifada, a pro-Palestinian electronic journal, spoke for the Arabs. In addition, I heard anti-Semitic comments from much of the audience. 

In this setting, it is impossible to have a neutral, reasoned discussion.

I am disappointed in the sponsors for attempting to spread Arab propaganda under the guise of enlightened discussion. 

As students of a public university, we come from diverse backgrounds with our own beliefs and opinions. In this academic setting, far removed from the subjects of our studies, we learn objectively about passionate issues.

Thursday's event discredited all of that.

While the Arab students on campus want to host a slanted event, do not attempt to persuade others that this is the whole story. I am compelled to exclaim: "If Arab students in America address the conflict in this manner, then it's no wonder peace gives way to suicide bombers." 

But I refrain. Instead, I hope for mature, future discussion between Arabs, Jews, and Americans.

I expected better. I welcome and encourage discussion of this conflict. I hope those who attended Thursday realize what the event truly was. 


On March 12th, Students for Justice in Palestine presented a program on the Israel-Palestine conflict that featured Ali Abunimah and Norman Finkelstein, prominent scholars and activists regarding this topic. This three-hour event featured extensive and detailed explorations of the historical, diplomatic, and human rights records. Israel was presented as a criminal state, and the Palestinians were presented as long-term victims of ethnic cleansing, occupation, and massacres. The facts as accurately presented unequivocally merit these characterizations.
The speakers engaged in no invective. The Q&A was extensive and respectful, perhaps aided by the fact supporters of Israel offered no counter to the appropriate substance and tone of the evening. Jewish students whose support comes from Hillel instead chose to distribute a flier that accused Finkelstein, the child of two Holocaust survivors of Nazi death and labor camps, of "marginalizing the scope and horror of the Holocaust and Nazi brutality.” They did not stay for the event. While such behavior is unsurprising, it does merit comment.
Whenever Palestinian students make public comments that displease the director of Hillel, he calls for “civil discourse” in the DI. He has never publicly engaged in one second of civil discourse in relation to this issue. After the Gaza massacres, his program invited the Israeli consul, who spoke of beautiful Israel and demeaned its critics. It invited a pro-Israel Arab Israeli journalist to flatter Jews and demonize Palestinians. When provided with an opportunity to hear and engage speakers exemplifying scholarly integrity, Jewish students distribute hateful propaganda and leave.
The tone for the self-enforced ignorance of these students is set by the professional staff at the “ Campus Center for Jewish Life” and its program of Zionist indoctrination. This institution betrays the Jewish tradition of social justice; it shames Jews who have critical intelligence and political conscience.
David Green

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