[Peace-discuss] New at Liberty4Urbana

E. Wayne Johnson ewj at pigs.ag
Fri May 8 19:11:34 CDT 2009

    *   Lying about Inflation and Shamming the Consumer Price Index.
    * Beware of Obamanomics - Tom Woods
    * China's role in propping up the dollar.
    * HR1207 - 143 co-sponsors.
    * Oath Keepers - "We will not obey illegal orders!!!"
    * Sissy Nation - How America Became a Culture of Wimps and Stoopits
      - John Straussbaugh.
    * Liberty Restoration Project thrown out of Missouri Governor
      Nixon's office <http://www.liberty4urbana.com/drupal-6.8/node/215>
    * Revolution in America? - Max Keiser
    * Can Christians Serve In The New World Order Army? - Chuck Baldwin
    * Midwest Liberty Fest - Fall 2009
    * Daniel Hannan - "The British Ron Paul" lays into Gordon Brown.
    * Ron Paul on Rachel Maddow Show
    * Torture 'em for Jesus
    * Obama's War in Afghanistan - Deja vu all over again
    * See Adam Kokesh - Favorite Videos
    * Adam Kokesh Announces Bid for Congress

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